Biyernes, Abril 22, 2016

PCB Drilling and Soldering

WARNING: the things your about to see is just happened to be my first time drilling and soldering.

I'll gave you some advice when your drilling your pcb board.

  • Make sure your drill bit is small with the size of 0.4 mm to 0.6mm it is expensive for 70 pesos but it will help you a lot.
  • Buy two drill bit
  • Be careful when drilling cause you dont want your nails to have holes forever.
  • Concentrate all your mind when your drilling cause sometimes it push your copper away and your back to square 1.

Be careful when using the soldering iron because it is FREAKING HOT!!
If your soldering iron is not hot then you buy a new one
It is best recommended that you buy a soldering iron with 40W and above
They broke easily.

When soldering the lead make sure you wont solder the copper too cause the copper will burn and then the lead wont adhere at your board. In my case the lead got stuck with the soldering iron because the copper is too little on the board (because of drilling! I use a big drill bit on those pads on the board that has tiny holes) then the copper became black which you cant use again. Im sure that my circuit wont work if that happens.

They say that a good soldered circuit has the shape of kisses the chocolate one.

well mine dont like that but maybe nearly there.
Hoping for great improvement :)



PCB Etching

Great day everyone!

Do you know how to make a circuit on a PCB board?

Like this:

  • The first thing to do is to print your circuit on a photopaper.
  • You will need a flat surface iron.
  • a PCB board cut to your desired size.
  • Gloves
  • Ferric chloride
  • mask (if you have asthma) 
  • plastic container
Place the photopaper to the copper side of the pcb board. The circuit should be underneath of the photopaper.

With the flat iron, ironed the photopaper until its back turn to black.

after it turns black remove the paper with water until the circuit peek through

submerged the pcb board in a container with ferric chloride 

Every 2 minutes move the board on it's place with the use of gloves(they say it stains and harmful to the skin) so that the copper will be dissolve faster.

Wait for few minutes.

And there you have it.
If you cant understand what I'm saying watch this video below:

Note: The pictures and the video is not mine.

I did make my own with the use of masking tapes as my first trial but unfortunately it turns to this:
I prefer the flat iron, use masking tape if you have a very basic and simple circuit.

but i did a new one 

You can use steel wool or sand paper in removing the black on the copper



Order Electronics Components Online

As of today our professor in ECE SHOP this summer recommended us to visit online electronic shops.
I am a BS-ECE student. Because our course is ECE SHOP we need electronic components in creating a circuit for our desired assignment or projects.
If you are an ECE student like me you know that it is hard to buy components on stores here in batangas city.

You ask me why?

You has the list of the components you will buy. Then you will go to the nearby store. And the next thing you knew, they are.....


yeah I know it sucks.
So I found a solution for that.



  It is an electronic component store which is  along National Highway, Across BDO Kumintang Ilaya branch, Batangas City.

 They have the option of COD or to deliver on cash on delivery which is good cause if you cant find time to buy components all you had to do is seat back and wait for the arrival of the parcel then pay and sign your name 

Viola!  Package is now ready to open!

so how to place your order here?
first choose the components that you will buy.

here I choose Arduino. If you are satisfied of what you will order click Go to checkout if you want to shop more just press Continue shopping.after you clicked the check out button you will see this:

this page is an assurance that you will REALLY check out 

here all you had to do is fill up the necessary information about you email address, contact number and your address (to where the package will be sent). Just press the blue button and your on the go.

For a student like me I highly recommend this site but if your working on a bigger projects or components that can not be found at tinkbox I recommend you RS Philippines

Thank you for visiting!!